Anvis says — training

Tug of love!

activity parenting training

Tug of love!

It is time we add this game to our kitty of activities for us to play and engage our furry buddies. Not to forget the sculpted arms that will come our way when we play this game! 

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A drool puddle at your table while you eat?

activity training

A drool puddle at your table while you eat?

If you are reading this, then you maybe someone who cannot resist your dog's puppy eyes! At the table or while you are having a cuppa joe, your dog may just walk upto you, paw at you, bark perhaps and leave a puddle of drool on the floor because they simply must have a bite of whatever it is you are savouring! 

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Helping out with the pets - by kids

kids parenting training

Helping out with the pets - by kids

  • Time and time again, we have met families who have brought a pet into their lives so their kids can get a sibling or to teach children about the responsibilities of taking care of another life. Albeit, a good thought, one also needs to know how and in what ways kids can help with caring for their pets. It's never too late to start getting kids involved in the daily pet related chores and we have a few ideas here that could help parents kickstart this process.

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Is it resource guarding?


Is it resource guarding?

In this blog, we will cover some basic signs of resource guarding. There are many parents who confuse their dog's playfulness of running away with things in their mouth and performing a play bow as resource guarding, but some signs are subtle that should not be dismissed. 

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Jumping Jack!


Jumping Jack!

Jumping is a common and natural canine behaviour and it is important to understand why dogs do this. If we know the cause, then correcting it becomes far simpler. Read on to learn more about why this happens and what are a few options to correct this.

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